Foundation Home Repair Involves Various Techniques

A house of cards provides the perfect illustration of the importance of a home’s foundation: if the bottom row of cards are not laid out correctly and not expansive enough, then the rest of the cards can all tumble down. Similarly, a home’s foundation provides the necessary support to keep the rest of the home structurally sound. If a homeowner is in need of foundation home repair, it is critical that he research the various methods of foundation home repair that are used by contractors in his area. Two main sources of the repair derives from the methods of foundation stabilization and the hydraulically pressed concrete cylinder method.Foundation StabilityFoundation stability involves a process which attempts to prevent further sinking and damage to the foundation.This method attempts to extend the original foundation to redistribute the load of the foundation. However, this process is often ineffective and may be a complete waste of money because it locks the home’s foundation into place. If the house is currently leaning and not stabilized, the process will simply level the foundation into the inappropriate position. This basically causes the crooked house to remain crooked.Hydraulically Pressed Concrete Cylinder MethodThe hydraulically pressed concrete cylinder method involves digging a hole around the foundation. A concrete cylinder will be placed in the hole along with a large hydraulic ram. The cylinder is then hydraulically installed. Other cylinders will be added in order to support the load of the home. The weight of the cylinders will cut through any materials that are between the home’s existing structure and the ground, such as roots or rocks. This method is advantageous because it has the greatest load-bearing capacity over other foundation home repair methods. The concrete cylinders will not corrode like other materials may. This method requires only a few days of repair, minimizing the expense of the project while also preventing future foundation problems.When a homeowner realizes that he needs the assistance of a foundation home repair business, he should become informed about the various types of repair methods that are available. He should weigh the pros and cons of each method and pay particular attention to whether the repair method will eliminate future problems. If the solution is only temporary, he will have to pay for additional future repairs. The hydraulically pressed concrete cylinder method has been used for over two decades. It is the preferred method by industry leaders and it is proven by experts to outperform any other method of foundation repair that is currently available on the market today.

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